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04/26/2011 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall


Present:  Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman John Tuttle and Council Members Chatham Carillo, Thomas Cordeiro, Christopher Goff, Barbara Moore and Susan Weintraub.  Also present were Interim Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of the press and citizens.

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. in the Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room at the Town Hall.

Ms. Engel asked for a moment of silence for three members of the community who passed away recently:  Howard Dean, Gladys Smith and Bernard “Bunny” Coughlin.

Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2011 Regular Meeting as amended and Special Meeting as written. Voted (6-0-1) Mr. Tuttle abstained as he was not present at these meetings

A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Ms. Moore, to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2011 Special Meeting as written.  Voted (7-0).

Special Presentation
Everbridge Emergency Notification System Presentation
Richard Klotzbier, Emergency Management Director, introduced Francis Willett from Everbridge.  He provided an overview of the emergency notification system that will be available to the town. This mass notification system will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Chatham Health District has a contract with Everbridge at the state rate.  The funding is through Public Health Emergency Response.  Once the system is ready for use, notifications will be placed in the newspapers and on the town website for residents to sign up for the notifications.

Public Remarks
Ann McLaughlin, 85 North Main Street, commented that the key to the success of the Everbridge system is getting people to sign up.  She noted the Commission on Aging is will to help with the sign up process. The Housing Authority as well as the Commission on Aging are also concerned about the elderly in the event of an emergency.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, commented that she has been the victim of discrimination in the seven years she has lived here noting discrimination comes in all forms. She would like the Council and the public to take the first step and acknowledge that discrimination exists in town.  She also commented on spot legislation and spot enforcement that she feels takes place regarding zoning enforcement.

Fran Klein, Bellevue Street, requested copies of the legislation that allows the police to enforce noise complaints.
A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Goff, to add an item to the agenda under New Business for the legal opinion from Attorney D’Aquila regarding the use of the Town Meeting Moderators.  Voted (7-0).

New Business
Approval of Proposed Transfer Station Fees
Keith Hayden, Director of Public Works, provided an overview of proposed transfer station fee increases.  The details are included in the agenda report that will be included with the minutes.

A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to accept the fee increases presented with the exception that the sticker fee be $10 per year instead of the proposed $25 per year and education be done through newspapers, the town website and flyers.  The new fees will be effective July 1, 2011.  Voted (7-0).

Approval of Amendment to Plan of Conservation & Development
Jim Carey, Chief Building Official, provided an overview of a proposed amendment to the Plan of Conservation & Development.  The amendment would reflect the efforts of the Planning & Zoning Commission to establish a Village District designation and to support the goals and focus area of the Incentive Housing Zone.  The Council provided positive comments regarding the amendment for Mr. Carey to relay to the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Town Meeting Moderator
Chairperson Engel reviewed an opinion from Attorney D’Aquila that was requested regarding the proper method of selecting a moderator for the budget referendum. The letter will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.  It was noted that in addition to a Town Meeting moderator being present at the referendum, a trained election moderator and the Registrars need to be present as well.

Old Business
Approval of Alternates for Board of Assessment Appeals
A letter was reviewed from Attorney Jean D’Aquila regarding the proper manner to appoint alternates to the Board of Assessment Appeals.  The letter will be included in the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.  The Council discussed the options of the alternates being appointed or creating an ordinance to elect additional members.  The majority of the Council was in favor or the alternates being appointed. The Board of Assessment Appeals members will be invited to the May 24th Council meeting to discuss the options for the alternates and what they feel is needed for their Board.

New Interim Town Manager Selection
A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 28, 2011 to finalize the contract for the new Interim Town Manager.

Discussion of Solar Panels Near WPCA
Ron Gaudet of White Oak will be meeting with the Joint Facilities on May 17th as that group oversees the property for the WPCA.  The Council will discuss this item at the May 24th meeting.  Ms. Weintraub asked if an RFP needs to be posted for this project.  Mr. Drewry will speak with Jeff Jylkka on the requirements.

Report of Interim Town Manager   
Mr. Drewry met with the residents on Pine Brook Road regarding the culvert.  A consensus is needed from the Town Council regarding a possible bonding authorization which would be included with the Memorial School Roof and Oil Tank project bonding.  Unofficial word was received that the town may be approved for the $400,000 from the Emergency Town Aid Road Fund.

Mr. Drewry appointed Joe Carbonell to the Conservation-Lake Commission.

The dog pound lease has not yet been received from the State of Connecticut.

The Parks & Recreation Director is researching some issues with the property on Wopowog that the Rotary Club was looking at for passive recreation.  Another option could be the Loos Pond area.  They are also researching the property near the WPCA and confirming how much of the property the Soccer Club needed as that property could be the future home of a gas island.

Ms. Engel asked for an update regarding the two complaints against the Police Department.  Mr. Drewry noted the reports should be ready for the May 10th meeting.

Ms. Weintraub asked for an update on the Senior Center expansion.  She asked to see the plan and that the plan be put on the town website.  

Mr. Cordeiro asked about the band shell at Sears Park and who is making the recommendations for the design.  Mr. Drewry indicated that the Arts & Cultural Commission as well as the Gov. O’Neill Park Committee and others will be included in the design plans for the band shell.

Ms. Weintraub reviewed information she received from the court regarding noise control infractions.  This item will be put on the agenda for the May 10th meeting.  Also the information from the Chief of Police regarding details on the current enforcement options that can be used will be discussed.

Adoption of Fair Housing Resolutions
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Ms. Moore to adopt the following:
Town of East Hampton Fair Housing Resolution
Town of East Hampton Fair Housing Policy Statement
Title VI Equal Opportunity Statement
Affirmative Action Policy Statement
Voted (7-0).

Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Interim Town Manager to Sign Documents for the Airline Trail Extension Project
A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to adopt the resolution authorizing Robert Drewry to enter into contracts and execute all documents necessary for the STEAP Grant STEAP 2011-13 Air Line State Park Trail (Watrous Street to Main Street).  Voted (7-0).

Bids & Contracts   None

Appointments   None

Financial Statements and Transactions   None

Tax Refunds
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Ms. Moore, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $78.10.  Voted (7-0).  

Four service people will be honored in the first yellow ribbon ceremony on Memorial Day.

Ms. Engel reviewed an email from Chief Reimondo to Mr. Drewry regarding training and mediation steps that have been conducted.  The email will be included in the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s Office.

A request was made to advertise the National Day of Prayer that will take place on May 5th.  The Council agreed that the event would be announced at the meeting but it was not appropriate to post it on the town website or on the town facebook page.

Ms. Engel reviewed a letter from Jeff O’Keefe to the State’s Attorney.  The letter will be included in the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Ms. Weintraub referenced emails received from Roy Duncan with questions on the revaluation classifications.  She asked that the Assessor attend the Council meeting with the Board of Assessment Appeals on May 24th to review the classifications.

Coming Up
The Pension plan meeting originally planned for May 3rd has been cancelled.  Mr. Drewry and Mr. Jylkka will provide an overview of the defined benefits/defined contribution plan at the May 10th meeting.

Ms. Weintraub noted that she would like to discuss the spot prejudice or retaliation discussed by Ms. Wasilewski.  Since this is a personnel matter it would need to be in executive session or she could speak with Bob regarding this matter. Ms. Engel noted that the employee in question should be notified if an executive session is called and that employee could request the meeting be held in public session.  This could be done at 6pm prior to the May 10th Town Council meeting.

Public Remarks    None

Reserved   None

A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Ms. Moore, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.  Voted (7-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary